Swamy Narayan Best Award

Nomination for Swamy Narayan Best Transplant Coordinator Award

Swamy Narayan Best Transplant Coordinator Award

Swamy Narayanan was the son of Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director of MOHAN Foundation. Both she and her husband Raghuram have championed the cause of organ donation since 2001.

Following a tragic road accident on 13th January 2004, Swamy was declared brain dead. While Raghuram and Lalitha were already working for the cause of organ donation, this accident came as a bolt out of the blue. However, the couple demonstrated exemplary courage and conviction by donation Swamy's Organs, thereby giving a new lease of life to five patients.

In 2009, CNN IBN recognised their selfless service and honoured them with the CNN IBN's "Real Heroes" Award, wherein they received a trophy and a cash award of INR 5 Lakhs. They donated the amount to MOHAN Foundation from which an endowment has been created to recognise the Best Transplant Coordinator each year. This was the genesis for the "Swamy Narayan Best Transplant Coordinator Award." Several Transplant Coordinators from across the country have received the award since 2010.

Click here to see the awardees - https://www.natco.org.in/awards.html

Click here to download the assessment form.

Filled forms to be submitted to: txnatco@gmail.com with a cc to Ms. Sukhvinder: sukhvinder.lal21@gmail.com , Ms. Aarti Gokhle: ztccpune@gmail.com & Ms. Veena Wathore: veena@mohanfoundation.org

Last date for submission for September 30, 2024.

Dr. Arpita Ray Chaudhury
President Elect ISOT
Professor, Dept. of Nephrology
Ms. Bhavna Jagwani
MFJCF (MOHAN Foundation Jaipur Citizen Forum)
Dr. Avnish Seth
MOST (Manipal Organ Sharing & Transplant)

14th Annual Conference of NATCO

32nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, ISOT 2022 NAGPUR to be held from 12th - 16th October 2022 at Le Meridien Hotel Nagpur.